October 13, 2024

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time



Each of us is called to be generous with the gifts God has given us. The big question is: How are wecalled to do that? The answer is different for each of us. We have to discern, day by day, year by year, what this means for us.



Each of us is called to be generous with the gifts God has given us. The big question is: How are wecalled to do that? The answer is different for each of us. We have to discern, day by day, year by year, what this means for us.
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October 6, 2024

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mary M.

Doyle Roche

I hope we can allow ourselves to transform these recesses and shadows into spaces of resistance and solidarity from which we might emerge sure of our dignity, sure of the Spirit moving through us, and sure of God’s love.

Mary M.

Doyle Roche

I hope we can allow ourselves to transform these recesses and shadows into spaces of resistance and solidarity from which we might emerge sure of our dignity, sure of the Spirit moving through us, and sure of God’s love.
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September 29, 2024

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time



You cannot gate keep the Spirit - you cannot decide who can and cannot prophesy…



You cannot gate keep the Spirit - you cannot decide who can and cannot prophesy…
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September 22, 2024

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Carolyn A.


Let us deeply grasp that we are on a journey with God and others and because of our relationship with God, let us each contribute to the fullness of the realization of God’s Kingdom through our one precious life in real and substantive ways.

Carolyn A.


Let us deeply grasp that we are on a journey with God and others and because of our relationship with God, let us each contribute to the fullness of the realization of God’s Kingdom through our one precious life in real and substantive ways.
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September 15, 2024

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time



If all Creation is good and God is omnipresent within us and the cosmos, then salvation is available to all creation.



If all Creation is good and God is omnipresent within us and the cosmos, then salvation is available to all creation.
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September 8, 2024

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mary Jo


The Ephphatha challenges us to welcome the deaf, the mute, the blind, and those with physical and/or developmental disabilities as they/as we are.

Mary Jo


The Ephphatha challenges us to welcome the deaf, the mute, the blind, and those with physical and/or developmental disabilities as they/as we are.
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September 3, 2024

Feast of Saint Phoebe



Knowing about Phoebe, the role she played in the early church, and Paul’s recognition of her, however, affirms my call and gives me hope!



Knowing about Phoebe, the role she played in the early church, and Paul’s recognition of her, however, affirms my call and gives me hope!
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September 1, 2024

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time



Let's not be fooled by the feeling of being overwhelmed, by thinking that what we do is worthless, or that we are alone. We are invited to ‘Hope and act with Creation’.



Let's not be fooled by the feeling of being overwhelmed, by thinking that what we do is worthless, or that we are alone. We are invited to ‘Hope and act with Creation’.
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August 25, 2024

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time



n the global synod, the Church has taken the incredible step of beginning to listen to women. The next step is to believe us. I think Jesus would have.



n the global synod, the Church has taken the incredible step of beginning to listen to women. The next step is to believe us. I think Jesus would have.
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August 18, 2024

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time



And this is our call and charge; to invite all to the table, to make endless room for others, to leave no one out. Because Wisdom, in love, welcomes everyone to the feast.



And this is our call and charge; to invite all to the table, to make endless room for others, to leave no one out. Because Wisdom, in love, welcomes everyone to the feast.
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August 15, 2024

Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary

Dr. Angela


We are called to live as resurrected people, no longer afraid of the dragons that are both real and imagined, but as people of hope knowing that we follow Mary to a glorious union with God.

Dr. Angela


We are called to live as resurrected people, no longer afraid of the dragons that are both real and imagined, but as people of hope knowing that we follow Mary to a glorious union with God.
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August 11, 2024

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Kascha L.


What if, as modeled by St. Clare and lamented by Elijah, the best way to imitate God is to be fully who and how God created us? Even if it is a surprise to ourselves and those around us.

Kascha L.


What if, as modeled by St. Clare and lamented by Elijah, the best way to imitate God is to be fully who and how God created us? Even if it is a surprise to ourselves and those around us.
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August 4, 2024

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ariell Watson


Just like the Israelites’ physical hunger kept them looking to the heavens for manna, our spiritual hunger turns us toward God.

Ariell Watson


Just like the Israelites’ physical hunger kept them looking to the heavens for manna, our spiritual hunger turns us toward God.
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July 28, 2024

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dr. Alice


Before a word leaves our lips, God is already aware of our struggles, desires, and hopes.

Dr. Alice


Before a word leaves our lips, God is already aware of our struggles, desires, and hopes.
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July 22, 2024

Feast of St. Mary Magdalene



We are reminded year after year on this feast day of Mary’s profound courage. We must apply her courage to our own lives and continue to respond to Christ’s calls of our very own names.



We are reminded year after year on this feast day of Mary’s profound courage. We must apply her courage to our own lives and continue to respond to Christ’s calls of our very own names.
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